Farewell to our Dublin Spring Students

Mary McSwiney Student Life Officer


May 16, 2016

It's that time again, another semester is coming to an end.  Last week Arcadia Ireland hosted two farewell meals for our Dublin students.

On Monday, Dr. Tom Kelley along with students studying in Trinity College Dublin, attended the Commons in the Trinity Dining Hall. The Commons is three course meal served every weekday, originally exclusively to Trinity scholars and staff. The Commons tradition has been in existence for centuries, and was originally attended by almost all of the College population where they might meet and discuss ideas. Before and after the meal, one of the Scholars gets up and recites a traditional Grace, in Latin, from memory - a true Trinity experience!

On Wednesday, Assistant Director Grainne Hand joined students studying in University College Dublin and Maynooth University for an evening meal in Alfies restaurant, in the heart of Dublin City. I can speak from experience that the food in Alfies is delicious, and is an excellent opportunity for one last catch up before students depart. 

Thank you so much to all the Dublin students for choosing to study with Arcadia. We hope you had as much fun this semester as we did! 


Student Life