Farewell Fall Students!

Mary McSwiney Student Life Officer


December 11, 2015

This was another busy week for Arcadia Ireland with five farewell dinners! I hit the road to bid farewell to our students in University of Limerick, University College Cork and National University of Ireland Galway, and Grainne headed North to meet our students in Queens University Belfast. 

My first stop Monday night was Limerick for a steak dinner with the ladies in UL. Meanwhile in Dublin, the University College Dublin, Dublin Parliamentary Interns, Trinity College Dublin and Maynooth University students gathered with Grainne and Stephen for an end of term dinner.

Tuesday took me to Cork for a rendez vous with the UCC students and another great meal. Wednesday I travelled up the west coast to Galway to bid farewell to our NUI Galway students who had a tough week of storms and rain! On Thursday, Grainne took a trip north to beautiful Belfast to enjoy a meal with the Queens University students. We are all well fed after this week!

It was wonderful to see all the Fall 2015 students one last time before they travel home. From all the Arcadia Ireland staff, thanks so much for a fantastic semester! Safe travels and Happy Holidays!!