Croagh Patrick Pilgrimage

Mary McSwiney Student Life Officer


May 4, 2016

This weekend students studying at National University of Ireland Galway along with Arcadia staff participated in a hike up Ireland's Holy mountain 'Croagh Patrick'

Croagh Patrick is known as the location that St. Patrick came to fast (abstain from food), and every July up to 4,000 people make the pilgrimage climb to the top, many in their bare feet. Thankfully, the students were all decked out in hiking boots for our climb up the 2,500 foot high mountain!

We got four seasons in a day, with sleet and even the sun making an appearance. Towards the top, the hike got really steep, and the temperatures dropped quite low.  At the summit, the group found some shelter to tuck into their picnic and take lots of photos. The view from the top was truly incredible, on one side taking in forest, bog and lakes; on the other side, the three hundred and sixty four islands of Clew Bay. 

What a great day out - can't wait to go back! 

