Burren College of Art Visit

GrĂ¡inne Hand Assistant Director


April 28, 2015

Recently my colleague Kate Jones visited the Burren College of Art in Ballyvaughan Co. Clare. Currently we have four students there for the Spring Semester. Here is what Kate told me about her visit.

"I visited on a bright, warm and sunny day. I drove from Galway to the Burren and it felt just like a car commercial, plenty of hair pin turns, stunning landscapes and no rain! Every time I drove though a new village, I kept telling myself "Ok I must come back here".

I was welcomed by the Burren College of Art staff who gave me a tour of their incredible facilities. I visited the student's studio space, the library, the student accommodation and we had a sneak preview of the castle that sits in the heart of it all.

We enjoyed our lunch (From their local cafe) in the sunshine with the birds chirping and bees buzzing. It was a busy day at the college as staff were preparing for the Masters students graduation that afternoon.

Later in the day we made our way to the graduation ceremony in the 16th century castle. Guests were welcomed with a roaring fire and the smiling faces of undergraduate students looking down on the ceremony from the top tier of the castle. A really unique and special place to have a graduation ceremony!

After the graduation, everyone made their way to the art gallery for refreshments and a chance to take in all the student's art work. I met with two Arcadia students, Samatha Simmons and Emily Wages. We talked about their experiences in The Burren and their art work. We chatted about comforts from home they would soon get to enjoy (Like Philly cheese steak) and other American treats. They showed off their art work with a sense of pride and also relief that the work was done. I was delighted to have had the chance to view their art exhibition and also get a chance to catch up with the students before they returned home.

Well done Burren College of Art students!"