Arcadia Pre-Election Round Table Discussion

GrĂ¡inne Hand Assistant Director


February 18, 2016

Students from the our Dublin Parliamentary Internship (DPI) programme who intern with an Irish politician could not be here at a more exciting time! In the run up to the 2016 Ireland Elections we are inviting those on the DPI programme to the Arcadia Dublin Center for a 30-45 minute lunchtime round table discussion. We would like to keep it simple and hear thoughts on the political parties, any canvassing students may have done, the responses they may have noticed from Irish people and the mood felt in the Dáil. We would like to hear how students compare Irish elections to the current campaigns underway in the USA. What is different, what has been unexpected?

We are both eager and enthusiastic to turn this over to our students for an open discussion. As a way to get the minds working we will provide a free lunch and treats 15 minutes before our discussion in the comfort of our Boardroom at Arcadia. Nobody else has more knowledge than our DPI students and we want them to share it with us.

Watch this space!