Arcadia Culture Night

Mary McSwiney Student Life Officer


November 16, 2016

A few weeks ago the Dublin students enjoyed an evening of Irish culture and entertainment as part of the Arcadia Co-Curricular program.  Theatre is a big part of life in Dublin, especially mid-week in the winter. Restaurants across the city offer pre-theatre menus and Irish people like to make the most of their evenings with a fancy meal first! 

We met at Dublin's iconic Spire of Light and walked a short distance to Le Bon Crubeen, a well know Dublin establishment. There we enjoyed a delicious three course meal, options included fish cakes, liver parfait, goats cheese, steak, risotto and of course the all important desserts! 

Following our meal, we strolled around the corner to Ireland's national theatre The Abbey Theatre. Central to Irish culture and founded by W.B. Yeats and Lady Gregory prior to Independence, the Abbey was a key part of the Irish Cultural Revival and the formation of Irish literary ethos as we know it today. 

We attend a new production by notable Irish playwright Frank McGuinness, well known for Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching towards the Somme. His new musical play Donegal was promised to be as uplifting as it is funny and it certainly delivered. Based around a squabbling family fallen on hard times, the musical Donegal accents delivered some great punches and intermittent songs kept the everything light and entertaining. If anything else, this play gave the students a little insight into the Irish obsession with country western music ( no lie - ever heard of the Garth Brooks fiasco of 2014?!) 

Thanks to everyone for coming!