An Cúairt ar Phobal- Digitally Detoxed

Alice Higgins Dublin, Ireland


August 30, 2017

Instagram, oh how we love it. We love the likes, the comments and the general knowledge that we ourselves (and our friends) are having an awesome time. But, what happens when we put down our phones? When we are no longer looking at things through a screen? Now, don’t get me wrong, I am no saint and I am well aware that I spend a scary amount of time scrolling through my newsfeeds, but since Arcadia has come up with the idea of being ‘unplugged’ and having a ‘slower’ study abroad experience I’ve started to make some small changes and they’ve really made me notice things off-screen.

I know, why am I writing to you (on a digital forum!) to tell you that I’ve had a mini digital detox? Well, it’s because we think that you should too. You guys get a really cool, unique and Irish experience when visiting Ireland in the form of An Cúairt ar Phobal (pronounced “on kurt air fubble.”) It literally translates to ‘a visit to the community’ and you will be doing just that. Staying with an Irish family in their home for their weekend is probably the most authentic thing you will get to do while in Ireland so why not do it with a little less technology?  Put down the phone and pick up the cuppa and see what happens.

An Cúairt ar Phobal gives you the opportunity to live your own Irish experience. You will get to be fully immersed in an Irish family’s lives and that’s something that very few international students can say. It’s a great way to get chatting to other Irish students at your university too. Ask them about the stories from their childhood and tell them that you also stayed in an Irish family’s home for a weekend and had quite the experience yourself. Share the stories, memories and hilarious moments that arise from living in an Irish family’s home and see if your classmates agree with what you thought of it. Was their childhood similar? Did your weekend Mum remind them of their own Irish Mammy? Irish mothers are a rare and wonderful breed so you’re sure to hear some mad tales.

Let the experience happen without the distractions of your home in America blinking onto your screen every few seconds. Why not give a digital detox a try? Unplug and slow down. Eat with your host family, hear their stories and drink copious amounts of tea. Along with that, why not see if you can make a memory that’s not insta worthy? Draw a picture, press a leaf, write a poem.. anything! Take some time out and unplug- I can assure you, you won’t regret it. 
