Airfield Farm Trip

Mary McSwiney Student Life Officer


July 25, 2016

This weekend we enjoyed another Co-Curricular activity, a trip to Airfield Estate and Farm. Airfield is a full working farm in Dublin City, originally established by the Overend Family in 1974, it is now a charitable organisation for education and recreation purposes.

We began with a tour of the Airfield Estate house, where we were given a background of the family, the three sisters who ran the farm and how it came into being. Next we explored the beautiful gardens including a maze, a small vine yard and organic fruits, vegetables and herbs which are all used in the Café on site.

We indulged in a few ice-creams made with the milk from the farm; they were much deserved and very delicious! Next stop was the animals, beginning with the chicks, calves and piglets – very cute! We strolled on through a forest walk, ending up at the horse fields, donkeys and baby goats.

After a final stop to the hens – some of whom lay blue eggs- it was time for a coffee break in the sunshine! What a great day out just a short tram ride from Dublin City center!