Active Ireland

Mary McSwiney Student Life Officer


September 30, 2015

Active Ireland is one of my favourite themes for our Co- Curricular activities. Ireland is a fantastic country for activity and sport, below are some of the great options.

  • GAA
    The Gaelic Games Association is the life and soul of every Irish community, this completely voluntary amateur association has a club in every parish in the country. Many Arcadia students get to learn the skills of this tribal sport at Experience Gaelic Games during orientation, always great fun! Students studying in Ireland have a great opportunity to follow and support their college GAA teams while they are here. The College Hurling teams will compete for the Fitzgibbon Cup, which the Gaelic football players compete for the Hogan Cup. A fantastic way to make Irish friends, experience the culture not to mention incredible fun!
  • Running, swimming and cycling
    Ireland didn’t miss out on the running and cycling trend. Mini - Half and Full Marathons, distance swims, Triathlons, cycle races etc, are all hugely popular here. It makes complete sense, with stunning landscapes, beautiful costal roads and plenty ocean, Ireland is the perfect place to hit the road (or the water!). With so many activities to choose from!
  • Golf
    Ireland is home to many famous golfers, do the names Rory Mc Ilory, Padraig Harrington and Darren Clarke ring any bells!? Not only do we have fantastic golfers we also have fantastic golf courses! The K Club in Kildare and Kinsale Head in Cork being some of the more famous (and expensive!). There are over 300 golf courses on the island so there is plenty to choose from and great student deals available.
  • Rugby
    The Rugby World Cup is in full swing and will run until October 31. Although the matches are being held in England, the atmosphere around the games in Ireland is infectious! So grab a bar stool and get ready to start supporting Ireland!! The Guinness Pro12 Rugby union competition is also running this Fall. Arcadia students are heading to Thomand Park in November to see Munster Vrs Connacht. Can’t wait!
  • Everything else!
    Our students are so lucky that most Irish Universities have an incredible variety of sports clubs. Students can join clubs which focuses on anything from soccer or boxing to skydiving or snow-boarding. There are even Trampoline and Frisbee clubs!

So whether you want to play a round of golf, throw a Frisbee or join in a spectator; Ireland has something for everyone!