Study abroad and your Career

Mary McSwiney March 29, 2016

From a career perspective, participating in study abroad will help with the most challenging part of entering the job market – something to talk about in interviews! No matter how fantastic you do in College, when it comes down to a job interview you… More

Easter in Ireland

Mary McSwiney March 21, 2016

This week is Easter, a very important time for the Irish calendar. Good Friday is the beginning of Easter weekend and is one of two days in Ireland where it is totally prohibited to sell alcohol (the other is Christmas Day). This is because Irish Catholics… More

'All aboard for Westeros!' A day in Game of Thrones

Mary McSwiney March 14, 2016

This Saturday we took a trip to the Game of Thrones filming locations in Northern Ireland. Game of Thrones is a hit HBO series, set in a fantasy world full of dragons, monsters and lots of people in cloaks fighting to win the 'Iron Throne'.  A substantial… More


Mary McSwiney February 26, 2016

We are running three competitions this semester with a $50 Amazon voucher to give away to the winner of each one! Photo COMPETITION: After such a successful photo competition last semester – we got 182 submissions!!- we have decided to stretch the imaginations… More

A Visit to the Community

GrĂ¡inne Hand February 15, 2016

At the beginning of this semester we sent everyone on their homestay weekend. The official name for this activity is An Cúairt ar Phobal meaning Visit to the Community. All students are invited to participate in this co-curricular activity which falls… More

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