Game of Thrones Tour

Alice Higgins March 29, 2017

This weekend Ireland decided to put its best foot forward and we were lucky enough to experience the glorious sunshine on our Game of Thrones Location Tour. We embraced every moment we could in the sun and were even sporting t-shirts for the majority… More

You Know You're in Ireland When...

Alice Higgins February 17, 2017

The last couple of blogs I’ve written have let you know what we are up to and how things are going here in Ireland. If you’re reading the blogs though and whether Ireland is somewhere you’ve been to a hundred times, somewhere you’re studying in for a… More

Welcome Meals and New Beginnings

Alice Higgins February 2, 2017

Arcadia’s Dublin center has been bustling over the last few weeks with students arriving and settling in to their new lives. As part of this, members from our Dublin team traveled near and far to catch up with our students at their welcome meals.  Excitement… More

Tips for Studying Abroad in Ireland

Mary McSwiney January 11, 2017

Join a club or society The same advice is given over and over to Irish students, but the University clubs and societies are genuinely the best way to immerse yourself in campus life, make friends and have fun. Fill the lecture gaps with reading You… More

Packing for Ireland

Mary McSwiney December 28, 2016

This week students across North America are getting ready to go back to college after the holidays and some very lucky students getting ready to come to Ireland for Spring semester! Below are Arcadia Ireland’s top tips for packing for a semester in Ireland… More

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