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Celebrating the Women that Inspire Us

International Women’s Day (March 8, 2020) is a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements… More

Carly Harward Student Life Officer

Celebrating the Women that Inspire Us

Carly Harward March 6, 2020

International Women’s Day (March 8, 2020) is a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This year for International Women’s Day at Arcadia Ireland, we sent a call out to our students, staff, and community members… More

My Experience of University in the USA vs. Ireland

Carly Harward February 28, 2020

As our Irish universities are approaching midterms, I think it’s safe to say that students are beginning to notice some differences between school back home and abroad. I remember when I was first preparing to come to Ireland to study, I didn’t think… More

Ways to Become a Sustainable Traveler

Carly Harward February 5, 2020

Conversations around sustainability have increased in popularity over the past few years and have taught us that we should recycle, try not to use single-use plastics, and to bring our own bags to the grocery store. Yet, how does sustainability impact… More

Our Tips/Tricks to Getting Through Homesickness

Carly Harward January 23, 2020

Though exciting, study abroad can also be a difficult adjustment to living in a new city, navigating through a new culture, and missing friends/family back home. Whether it's missing hanging out at your favorite spot, longing for your favorite homemade… More

Ancient East Co-Curricular

Carly Harward October 4, 2019

September 22 marked our first co-curricular of the Fall 2019 semester. Students from across the country met and departed from the Dublin Center that morning to drive to our neighboring country, Meath. Though a rainy day, we were heading to some of Ireland… More

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