Fall '16 Events!

Mary McSwiney August 3, 2016

We have some excellent co-curricular activities planned for the Fall 2016 semester! Take a look at what's on offer within your program and other regions. Registration opens Wednesday, August 10 at 12 noon (EST) in your Arcadia Passport, and closes on… More

Travels to Belfast

Mary McSwiney June 28, 2016

Each semester we travel up to Belfast in Northern Ireland, as part of our Co-Curricular program. The idea behind our co-curricular trips is to help each group of study abroad students to really engage with and experience the culture of the island. Northern… More

Summer '16 Events!

Mary McSwiney May 3, 2016

The summer semester is nearly here already and we have some great activities planned for you. Registration opens Thursday April 12th at Noon (EST) and runs through June 6th at Midnight (EST). There are a limited number of openings for each event, so… More

Foodie Cork

Mary McSwiney February 9, 2016

This weekend I had the pleasure of joining students from University College Cork, and a Dublin Parliamentary Intern on the Cork Food Trail. Cork is a region famous for its fantastic food, so a culinary tour of the City is a great way to take it all in… More

Cork Food Trail

Mary McSwiney November 20, 2015

This week was a real treat, as our students in University College Cork embarked on a Fab Food Tasting Trail. These trails are specifically designed to showcase local produce and business and to appreciate the rich culinary tradition in Cork. The first… More

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