Preparing for our Escape

Gráinne Hand January 17, 2020

Only a few weeks to go until our Ealu weekend in the Garden of Ireland, Co. Wicklow. Tom and I had a nice morning at the Avon on Wednesday to bring all the finer details together. The Avon, where our Ealu weekend takes place, is situated at the start… More

Fall 2019 Regional Weekend

Carly Harward November 15, 2019

One of the highlights of every semester is quickly becoming our Regional Weekend event! The Regional Weekend is a time where our centers in England, Scotland, and Ireland take turns in planning a co-curricular event which brings students from these locations… More

Arcadia Ireland Éalú Weekend - Escape Retreat

Carly Harward October 23, 2019

Last weekend we gathered our students studying all across the island of Ireland and brought them away from their campus location and into a rustic Irish community of Blessington in County Wicklow for our Éalú retreat. Éalú is an Irish word meaning escape… More

Killarney National Park Co-Curricular

Carly Harward October 11, 2019

Over this past weekend some of our students journeyed to the southwest of Ireland for our second co-curricular of the Fall 2019 semester! Students attending Arcadia programs all across the island of Ireland met and departed from Cork Saturday morning… More

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