Fall Events, 2017

Alice Higgins July 28, 2017

I’m starting this by giving you a round of applause. In my eyes, you have already made a stellar choice by deciding to come and study on the beautiful Emerald Isle. You’ll meet me and figure out pretty quickly that I am passionate about all things Ireland… More

Climbing Croagh Patrick

Alice Higgins April 5, 2017

What do you get when you have lots of exams coming up, a bus strike, and some of the heaviest rain Galway has seen in years? Four remaining students, a Scottish friend, a guide and an Arcadia staff member that still decide to climb the second highest… More

Game of Thrones Tour

Alice Higgins March 29, 2017

This weekend Ireland decided to put its best foot forward and we were lucky enough to experience the glorious sunshine on our Game of Thrones Location Tour. We embraced every moment we could in the sun and were even sporting t-shirts for the majority… More

March Madness!

Alice Higgins March 8, 2017

Well there’s no denying it, March in Ireland is a time for a bit of madness. The coldest months of January and February are over and spring is very much in the air. Today we even managed to get a glimpse of the sun! Even though March has had a pretty… More

Fun in February

Alice Higgins March 3, 2017

February was a month that was teeming with trips and excursions for all the Arcadia Ireland students.  Between subsidized trips organised by the Dublin centre and exploring the most beautiful cities Europe has to offer, we’ve had quite the month.  We… More

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