Irish Women You Need to Know

Alice Higgins March 7, 2018

Tomorrow is International Women’s Day and I thought it was a perfect time to introduce you to some Irish women that you may not have heard of. Some historical, some contemporary and all awesome. Here’s a list of some Irish women you can get to know; Anne… More

Springing Through 2018

Alice Higgins February 2, 2018

Ah, thank goodness for February. There’s something so exciting about the long month of January being over. It’s already really obvious that the mornings are getting brighter earlier and the evenings are getting darker later. We won’t know ourselves when… More

Photo Competition Winner, Fall 2017

Alice Higgins December 21, 2017

It's that time again and the Dublin staff were tasked with the difficult job of picking the photo competition winner for this semester. As always, we received hundreds of entries and we would encourage you to check out #ArcadiaIreland on both Facebook… More

Belfast Regional Trip, 2017

Alice Higgins November 8, 2017

There are a lot of things that we pride ourselves on here at Arcadia and togetherness is certainly one of them. We promote this in many ways, but one of the main things we love are shared experiences. We are lucky in Ireland as we are a small island.… More

Regional Trip, 2017- The Countdown is On

Alice Higgins October 4, 2017

The countdown is on and oh, what a treat we have in store.  Next weekend we have our regional trip for Fall 2017. This year, Arcadia students from Ireland, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland will be joining forces in the beautiful Belfast to explore… More

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