Fall '15 Events!

Mary McSwiney August 5, 2015

We have some excellent co-curricular activities planned for the Fall semester! Take a look at what's on offer within your program and other regions. Registration opens Wednesday August 12th at Noon (EST) in your Arcadia Passport. Regions! Important:… More

Farewell University of Kentucky!

Mary McSwiney July 20, 2015

It feels like yesterday this group arrived. I can’t believe it’s already time to say goodbye to our second summer custom group, from the University of Kentucky Lexington. Looking back over the past 4 weeks it’s not surprising that time has flown. It… More

Prince Charles Meets Gerry Adams at NUI Galway

Dr. Thomas Kelley May 20, 2015

The National University of Ireland, Galway, a strong partner of The College of Global Studies, hosted a historic meeting between the UK’s Prince Charles and Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams on May 19, 2015. This is the first time that a member of the British… More

Burren College of Art Visit

GrĂ¡inne Hand April 28, 2015

Recently my colleague Kate Jones visited the Burren College of Art in Ballyvaughan Co. Clare. Currently we have four students there for the Spring Semester. Here is what Kate told me about her visit. "I visited on a bright, warm and sunny day. I drove… More

Trendy Dublin Food Trail

Dr. Thomas Kelley March 30, 2015

Dublin is a modern, stylish, global European capital. This was easy to see when I accompanied a group of our students on the Dublin Food Trail on a brisk clear afternoon recently. The variety of food in Dublin amazed me. Our cheerful guide taught us about… More

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