Thanksgiving Traditions With a Twist

Alice Higgins November 21, 2017

Although Irish people don’t traditionally celebrate Thanksgiving, you would be hard stretched to find someone who doesn’t know how important it is to our American friends and family. Here in Ireland we like to think of it as similar to our Christmas celebrations… More

Samhain- The Roots of the Spooks

Alice Higgins October 20, 2017

Did you know that Halloween sprouted from an Irish Celtic tradition known as Samhain? Nope, didn't think so! Well about 2,000 years ago, Samhain was the name given to the mid-point of the calendar where the ‘light’ of summer and the ‘dark’ of winter met… More

Fall Events, 2017

Alice Higgins July 28, 2017

I’m starting this by giving you a round of applause. In my eyes, you have already made a stellar choice by deciding to come and study on the beautiful Emerald Isle. You’ll meet me and figure out pretty quickly that I am passionate about all things Ireland… More

Photo and Video Competition!

Alice Higgins July 27, 2017

What a summer we have had here at the Arcadia Dublin Centre. A fantastic group are just about to depart but they have certainly left their mark on Ireland. They have managed to capture this through photos and videos and we have had the highest entries… More

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