Easter in Ireland

Arcadia Abroad March 31, 2024

Exciting Easter Adventures Await in Ireland!Embrace the traditions of "holy week" with your fellow Arcadia Community members or make new friends among the vibrant Irish community! Create cherished memories and start new Easter traditions together!Indulge… More

Pancake Day

Julie Daly February 13, 2024

New Orleans has Mardi Gras, Rio de Janeiro has Carnival, and Ireland has… Pancake Tuesday! It might be a bit less spectacular than marching bands and sequined dancers, but Pancake Day or Pancake Tuesday does indeed share the same roots as these other… More

Pack your bags for soft days in Ireland

Julie Daly December 20, 2023

It's not long now until the Spring 2024 cohort arrives in Ireland - if you are one of the students starting to think about what to pack for January, read on! Although it sits at a higher latitude than the continental United States, Ireland has a mild… More

International Students’ Day on November 17th

Ellen Claire Maloney November 16, 2023

This upcoming Friday, November 17th, is International Students’ Day, an international event observed all over the world that celebrates multiculturalism, diversity and inclusivity within the global student community, as well as promoting student action… More

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