
Alice Higgins


Dublin, Ireland

Dark Evening? More Time for Reading

Alice Higgins January 4, 2018

Happy New Year and a very warm welcome to our Spring 2018 students. I say warm, but realistically it’s a pretty cold and rainy welcome. Ireland in January has its challenges- it’s pretty cold, but the real dampener is the wind and rain. We are actually… More

Photo Competition Winner, Fall 2017

Alice Higgins December 21, 2017

It's that time again and the Dublin staff were tasked with the difficult job of picking the photo competition winner for this semester. As always, we received hundreds of entries and we would encourage you to check out #ArcadiaIreland on both Facebook… More

'Tis the Season

Alice Higgins December 15, 2017

The countdown is most certainly on and with 10 days to go until Christmas Day the island of Ireland is BUZZING with excitement. There are lights strewn over buildings and between streets, Christmas music is blaring from every corner and the restaurants… More

The Late Late Toy Show

Alice Higgins November 30, 2017

‘Tis the season for traditions, and there is one happening this Friday that is very Irish indeed. People all around the world have different markers for the ‘real’ start of the festive season, but it’s pretty fair to say that in Ireland there is a certain… More

Thanksgiving Traditions With a Twist

Alice Higgins November 21, 2017

Although Irish people don’t traditionally celebrate Thanksgiving, you would be hard stretched to find someone who doesn’t know how important it is to our American friends and family. Here in Ireland we like to think of it as similar to our Christmas celebrations… More

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