Celtic Tiger making a Comeback?

Sarah Maher November 28, 2014

The "Celtic Tiger" refers to a time (1995-2000) when Ireland experienced rapid economic growth rendering it one of the most successful countries in Europe. However in 2008 Ireland's economy took a down turn and fell into recession. In 2013 Ireland formally… More


Sarah Maher November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving is a day for coming together and giving thanks. We here in the Dublin Center wanted to help Arcadia students throughout Ireland to celebrate this American holiday so we provided them with supermarket vouchers to buy all of the products and… More

Dublin Center Publication Workshop

Sarah Maher November 24, 2014

On Saturday 22 November the Dublin Center hosted a publication workshop for the Irish Association of Professional Historians.  The workshop assisted young and aspiring historians in Ireland with understanding the publishing industry and how best to go… More


Sarah Maher November 19, 2014

Thanksgiving is a day for giving thanks. Black Friday & Cyber Monday are days for getting great deals. We here at Arcadia University have decided to celebrate Giving Tuesday this year, a day to give to those less fortunate than ourselves.  On December… More

36 Hours in Dublin

Sarah Maher November 17, 2014

Dublin, the capital city of Ireland, is a popular tourist destination oozing history, beautiful scenery and an array of fantastic pubs and restaurants. With so much to do in Dublin, exploring the city and what it has to offer can be a timely activity… More

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