Photo Contest Submissions

Gráinne Hand February 26, 2015

Submissions received to our Spring 2015 Photo Contest so far have been from: Adam Wade, University of Minnesota studying at University College Dublin, Patrick Ciapciak, Villanova University and Mary Hoover, Clemson University both studying at Trinity… More

Preparing for Howth Climb

Gráinne Hand February 25, 2015

We have been reminded on so many occasions that good preparation is the key to a successful student event or activity. Last weekend our Irish Programmes Officer, Kate Jones took to the hills of the very scenic Howth Head to explore and prepare a good… More

Cliffs of Moher and Ailwee Caves visit

Gráinne Hand February 13, 2015

As part of our Spring Semester Co-Curricular events we invited students to join Arcadia staff on a day where we explored our themes of active and local Ireland. Students from the Galway region were joined by those on the Trinity College Dublin programme… More

Americans love Dublin!

Sarah Maher January 29, 2015

The following is an extract from an article by Irish Central: "Dublin is the best city in Europe and the second best in the world for Americans to live in, according to a new report. The study, from consultancy firm ECA international, compared 450 places… More

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