Irish Prime Minister calls General Election

Dr. Thomas Kelley February 17, 2016

Ireland’s current Prime Minister, or Taoiseach, dissolved the Irish parliament recently and called for new elections on 26 February. While the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates battle for their party nominations over the next few months… More

A Visit to the Community

Gráinne Hand February 15, 2016

At the beginning of this semester we sent everyone on their homestay weekend. The official name for this activity is An Cúairt ar Phobal meaning Visit to the Community. All students are invited to participate in this co-curricular activity which falls… More

Shrove Tuesday at the Dublin Center

Gráinne Hand February 10, 2016

Yesterday at the Arcadia Dublin Center we celebrateed Pancake Tuesday. Often called Shrove Tuesday or in the Irish language "Pancóg Dé Máirt" it was traditionally a day when ingredients were used up before the holy season of Lent. Yesterday it gave us… More

Foodie Cork

Mary McSwiney February 9, 2016

This weekend I had the pleasure of joining students from University College Cork, and a Dublin Parliamentary Intern on the Cork Food Trail. Cork is a region famous for its fantastic food, so a culinary tour of the City is a great way to take it all in… More

Ireland for Adventure

Gráinne Hand January 25, 2016

This weekend I joined many others in the free, invigorating, endorphin releasing and sometimes challenging activity that is running. There is now a huge culture of running and marathons in Ireland and sure where better to take part in such an activity… More

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