Irish Music

Mary McSwiney July 13, 2016

We’ve all heard of U2 and Sinead O’Connor, but what about the Irish musicians of 2016? We have put together a list of four great Irish musical acts to help get you in the mood for study abroad in Ireland. Mick Flannery This Cork man is an incredible… More

To leave or not to leave, that is the Brexit.

Dr. Thomas Kelley July 5, 2016

The question I am asked most often these days is what does the Brexit mean for Ireland. Will the Leave vote mean more businesses locating to Dublin? Will Britain still want Irish potatoes? Will Game of Thrones continue filming in Northern Ireland? No… More

5 Reasons to Study Abroad in Ireland

Mary McSwiney July 4, 2016

We speak English…mostly We do speak English, albeit with a few of our own words thrown in. Students coming to Ireland can also pick up a few words of Gaelige (Irish) along with a few local colloquialisms such as ‘craic’, ‘gas’ and of course everything… More

Travels to Belfast

Mary McSwiney June 28, 2016

Each semester we travel up to Belfast in Northern Ireland, as part of our Co-Curricular program. The idea behind our co-curricular trips is to help each group of study abroad students to really engage with and experience the culture of the island. Northern… More

Bloomsday in Dublin

Mary McSwiney June 21, 2016

Bloomsday is a very special day in Dublin City. Each year on the 16th of June, lovers of the great Irish writer James Joyce come together to celebrate and appreciate his most famous work Ulysses. June 16th is the day depicted in Ulysses, which follows… More

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