Food, Glorious Food

Alice Higgins February 9, 2017

Here at Arcadia Dublin we like to keep things new and exciting. Living in a country that also strives for that makes our job a little easier. One scene that cannot be ignored in Ireland at the moment is the growing food scene.  From Irish foodies, bloggers… More

Welcome Meals and New Beginnings

Alice Higgins February 2, 2017

Arcadia’s Dublin center has been bustling over the last few weeks with students arriving and settling in to their new lives. As part of this, members from our Dublin team traveled near and far to catch up with our students at their welcome meals.  Excitement… More

Night at 'The Pillowman'

Alice Higgins January 27, 2017

Irish culture is best known internationally for its music. Traditional Irish music is at the forefront of any Irish event across the globe and rightly so. However, its lesser known counterpart deserves as much credit. Irish theatre has a long and bountiful… More

Tips for Studying Abroad in Ireland

Mary McSwiney January 11, 2017

Join a club or society The same advice is given over and over to Irish students, but the University clubs and societies are genuinely the best way to immerse yourself in campus life, make friends and have fun. Fill the lecture gaps with reading You… More

New Year New Semester

Mary McSwiney January 3, 2017

Following our Christmas vacation, 2017 is off to a flying start for everyone in the Dublin Center! The National University of Ireland Galway students landed on Monday morning and we welcome the Trinity College Students as well as the Parliamentary Interns… More

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