Writing for Wellbeing on a Wednesday!

Gráinne Hand September 11, 2019

Welcome to Wellbeing Wednesday! Each week I'll pick a topic and write about something to help promote wellness in study abroad. Some weeks I might send you the link to an interesting article. I'll be working with Carly, Student Life Officer, who will… More

Touring Around Dublin

Carly Harward August 27, 2019

Last week I decided to take advantage of one of the many sightseeing opportunities that Dublin has to offer. There are various tour bus services that provide similar experiences around Dublin, however I chose the Do Dublin Hop on Hop off tour as a great… More

My First Official Week with Arcadia Ireland

Carly Harward August 19, 2019

It’s been a busy yet exciting couple of weeks here at Arcadia University in Ireland! As our summer weather seems to be quickly disappearing it can only mean one thing: it’s that time of year again for the fall study abroad students to begin their international… More

Fall 2019 Co-Curricular Events

Gráinne Hand July 25, 2019

As we transition out of the long, pleasantly warm summer days here in Dublin, we are also preparing for our incoming Fall 2019 students! We have many events taking place across Ireland and even into other parts of Europe this fall. From cultural to active… More

Galway Summer Festivals & More!

Gráinne Hand July 17, 2019

Galway is Ireland’s second-most visited county after Dublin and is popular among international and local visitors alike. It is situated in the West of Ireland just about a three hour drive from Dublin and there are ample train and bus options to get there… More

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