Wellness Wednesday: You're home, now what?

Gráinne Hand March 25, 2020

“When you travel overseas, the locals see you as a foreigner, and when you return, you see the locals as foreigners.” ― Robert Black Today I would like you to think back to that time in January when you were tired but excited, hungover from too much… More

Wellness Wednesday continues

Gráinne Hand March 18, 2020

I have just left a meeting chaired by our Vice President Lorna Stern. All seventy-eight people from the College of Global Studies Community sat together around the virtual table to share stories, reflect on the week that has just passed and to be grateful… More

Update to Spring 2020 Arcadia Programs

Dr. Thomas Kelley March 17, 2020

The Spring 2020 Arcadia programs in Ireland have been suspended due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Students should look for emails from Arcadia for specific information and general updates can be found on Arcadia's Coronavirus updates blog and FAQs. More

Celebrating the Women that Inspire Us

Carly Harward March 6, 2020

International Women’s Day (March 8, 2020) is a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. This year for International Women’s Day at Arcadia Ireland, we sent a call out to our students, staff, and community members… More

My Experience of University in the USA vs. Ireland

Carly Harward February 28, 2020

As our Irish universities are approaching midterms, I think it’s safe to say that students are beginning to notice some differences between school back home and abroad. I remember when I was first preparing to come to Ireland to study, I didn’t think… More

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