Get a Snapshot of Dublin

Ireland Programmes Officer January 19, 2022

Ireland Programmes Officer: Juliette Cooper It’s days like these, when Ireland is bathed in the brightest sun and students can truly enjoy themselves on campus the way they are meant to that I remember how excited I am for this Spring 2022 group to begin… More

Spring Semester begins!

Gráinne Hand January 6, 2022

What an exciting and busy few days it has been! We kick started 22 with a leap to Dublin airport last Monday morning to welcome our Belfast students.  This was the first official meet and greet at the airport since the Pandemic began and it was wonderful… More

Our Spring Events are coming!

Gráinne Hand November 23, 2021

Arcadia Ireland has planned an exciting lineup of events for this coming Spring Semester! From hill walking and kayaking to Irish cooking and sustainable shopping for St. Patrick's Day, our events will bring you closer to Ireland’s heart!  Pack your warm… More

The Burren and Its Arcadia Fellowship

Dr. Thomas Kelley October 20, 2021

Ireland is old.  Not in a pejorative or disparaging way, but in a powerful and awe inspiring manner.  Like a sage family elder, time has refined Ireland, gracefully ageing among its people and using its grizzled landscape to tell the stories of its ancient… More

Wellness Wednesday: Pumpkin Carving for fun!

Gráinne Hand October 6, 2021

This week for Wellness Wednesday, we are all about the fun!  As we are almost a week into the month of more leaves falling and Halloween we thought it would be a good idea to have some fun! According to William Glasser,  we are driven by five genetic… More

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