My recent trip to the Burren College of Art

Gráinne Hand April 27, 2022

As I left Galway and headed towards Co. Clare my senses heightened as I took quick glances of the landscape, the green fields, the sky, the sea and the sheer beauty of the Burren. It is here that three of our students, Mia, Bristol and Rebecca have spent… More

Where We Have Come From

Gráinne Hand April 6, 2022

As our students rev up for end of semester exams and begin planning their finals travels, I can’t help but reflect on how far we’ve come in this Spring 2022 program. When our students first arrived, we were in the midst of a partial COVID lockdown. Testing… More

Chains or Change: International Women's Week

Gráinne Hand March 9, 2022

International Women’s Day falls on the 8th of March every year, meaning this week Ireland is showering its communities with local events to engage and celebrate women and their contributions. 50 years ago, women in Ireland were forced to the margins of… More

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