
James Ballantyne Regional Program Manager


January 13, 2014

Over the pass week students have had to battle the Polar Vortex to get to the London Center for the start of the Spring Semester. After battling the weather we would like to give an even warmer welcome to those that have arrived and those that are arriving in the next few weeks. What better way to welcome students than with a jam packed orientation, fit for a King and Queen.

The orientation is in full swing with some great trips, faculty lead tours and lectures to ease everyone into academic life in Britain.

'Challenges common perceptions of well known Brits'

The faculty lead tours give students a chance to learn a few interesting views of great pieces of art exhibited in one of the worlds best portrait galleries.  The lecturers take their groups to the National Portrait Museum, which is a short walk away from the Center. Dr Morgan Daniels, a lecturer at the Center, challenges common perceptions of well known Brits that are depicted in the museum. The tours offer a start to critical thinking in a dynamic way.

There is a chance for students to get to know Britain in a different light with Dr Richard Maguire in the fascinating Britishness Lecture. A full time lecturer at Arcadia, Richard gives a brief overview of real Britain including recent current affairs which may not be thought of as stereotypically British. Though these events they are very important to the make up of the British culture.

After being told about British varying norms, what better way to get involved with the culture than going to a pub for a Pub Quiz. The student life team ran a thought provoking quiz with FYSAELondon Interns and London Now students. Traditional food was served, including bangers (sausages) and mash (potato), fish pie and curry. A relatively recent addition to the traditional British menu. The quiz was taken very seriously with some questions asked about the wording of the questions. Particularly about Dr Who.

'the market will wake anyone up'

Orientation isn't just a week in the classroom. Over the weekends the students have been kept busy with varying activities including a fascinating boat tour along the Thames. The tour gives a great view that majority of Londoners haven't seen themselves. As you sit on the boat you get a chance to see amazing sights, including The Houses of Parliament, London Eye, Tower Bridge and Canary Wharf.  Another trip over the weekend is to the sensational Borough Market. With sellers crying out their deals, smells of food wafting up your nose and colorful stalls flashing at you, the market will wake anyone up. Jet lagged or not.

There is a great long list of orientation activities, too long for a blog post. To keep up to date with Arcadia England, follow us on Twitter. and like us on Facebook.