Parents, are you ready?

Sílvia Serra Associate Director of Arcadia in Barcelona


August 27, 2018

We are looking forward to having your son or daughter with us in Barcelona and we are so delighted that he/she has chosen our wonderful city to spend their semester studying abroad!

There are about to embark on an exciting journey, an incredible adventure that will transform their lives and way of seeing the world. They will need to face challenges, though, which cannot be underestimated. Below, you can read about some of the support students can expect from us during their semester abroad.


It is crucial to have accurate expectations about the place students will go to be prepared. Our experienced staff in the US provides the students with a comprehensive guidance before their departure to prepare them for their time studying abroad. Don’t hesitate to contact them and read the materials they provide to your son/daughter!


Arcadia staff in Barcelona will greet the students at the airport and we’ll start the orientation week. This first week is designed to help the students to adjust to Barcelona, get practical information about the city (shopping hours, transportation, resources available,...) as well as about the program (policies, courses, housing, activities organized…). We will balance the information sessions with social activities focused in getting to know better Barcelona and their fellow students.


All students receive a Health & Accident Insurance and we have English speakers physicians and counseling practitioners that students can easily access when needed. In case of an emergency, students can call in the Barcelona emergency phone 24/7. Our experienced health and safety staff in Barcelona and in Glenside are committed to ensure the safety of all our students.

Excursion to Montserrat MountainACTIVITIES AND EXCURSIONS

We organize plenty of events outside the classroom to help the students discover the city and country where they are spending their study abroad, as well as get more involved in the culture and the local community. From faculty led tours and cultural activities to volunteering opportunities. We encourage all students not to miss it!


Students are housed in international apartments or in homestays. Students who chose the homestay option will have the incredible opportunity to daily interact with a local family, improve their Spanish language, get a deeper understanding about culture and traditions of Spanish people.

Students selecting an international apartment option will be placed with other Arcadia students as well as students from other countries. It is a great choice to learn to live and work with others mates from different cultures.


Academic support is available to all students from our faculty and staff. We keep constant communication with our students and faculty to assure their academic success.

Be updated with what’s going on and with our student’s experiences in Barcelona during the semester through our Facebook and Blog!

We are very much looking forward to meeting our students soon. In the meantime if you haven’t already, take a look at our page on Parents Rights & Responsibilities and if you have any further questions don’t hesitate to contact your student's program manager.