
Agustina Balacco Student Life and Service Coordinator


March 7, 2019

Holy Week is approaching and Lent starts today; the fast began by forbidding the meat, because it was considered, red and hot, a source of sin as well as a sign of wealth. Then the fish, cold and pure, appears in the Middle Ages to complete this rigorous diet based on soup of oil, bread and water until Holy Week.

In our tradition the "Old Lent", symbolized by an older woman with a  scarf on the head, a basket under the arm through which “chorizos”,holding a cod in her hand that reminds us that it is a time of abstinence and reflection. Also, seven legs coming out from under the long skirt: one shoe indicates to listen, the other to want, the next one to share, the other to help and the last ones: striving, reading and learning.

According to the tradition, on Sundays the children of the house would tear off the old woman's foot between games and solemn. On Easter Sunday the Old Woman was burned with the only remaining foot and the first succulent meal was served.

To continue with this tradition here in Arcadia we’ll tear off the old woman's foot every week until Easter Sunday =)

Also our Spring 19 students have tried the typical food we eat before lent; Botifarra d’Ou (egg sausage) and during; Buñuelos de Cuaresma (fritters)

If you want to try this delicious and fluffy fritters for Lent, you can do it yourself!!!


  • A cup of oil
  • A cup of wáter
  • Flour
  • Honey
  • Oil

1-Put a cup of oil in a bowl with boiling wáter and stir.

2-Lei it cool and add flour, always stirring with your hand until you get a dough that you can work with

3-Fry them with abundant hot oil.

4-Sprinkle the fritters with honey when they come out of the fire.


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