Volunteering Opportunities Fall 16

Emma Grant Senior Student Services Officer


September 22, 2016

Volunteering is one of the best ways you can experience your host culture while studying abroad. You’ll get to meet the locals and experience a different side to the community which is usually hidden from tourists. You can choose something that interests you, or that you’re considering as a possible career path and it will look great on your resume. Plus of course, you can leave at the end of the semester knowing that you made a positive difference while you were here!

Finding that right volunteering opportunity that fits in with your busy schedule is always a challenge. But don't fret, we have teamed up with local organisations and the Camden Volunteer Centre to find the volunteering opportunities below for you!

Get Fit & Do Good

GoodGym is a group of community runners who meet once a week to combine a group run with ‘doing good.’ One week they may be running to a local children’s playground to paint a mural and the next clearing land to make way for a community garden.

They have runs to suit all levels and all they ask is that you can run solidly for 15 minutes

When: Wednesdays 6.45pm - 8.30pm
Where: GoodGym Camden - meeting point: Somers Town Community Center (Near Kings Cross Station)

Tea, Cake & Chat

This project hosts monthly tea-parties, lunches and outings for older members of the community who are at risk of becoming isolated. Volunteers are needed to help set up the events and then spend time chatting with the members over lunch or a slice of cake.

When: See the Events in the Fall Facebook Group for dates throughout the semester
Where: St Luke’s Older People’s Project, St Luke’s Church (Near Kentish Town Tube Station)

The Foodbank

Foodbank use is currently at a record high, with over one million Foodbank packages being given to people in crisis in 2015/16.

With such high demand they are always in need of volunteers to help out in the Foodbank centres. From helping to sort stock, to giving out food parcels and sitting with clients to have an informal chat over a cup of tea.

When: Flexible (But need to make a weekly or fortnightly commitment)
Where: St Luke’s Church (Closest Tube Earls Court)

Museum Helpers

Are you interested in History, Art or Music? See yourself working in a museum or for a charity in the future? The Foundling Museum has opportunities for Arcadia students to volunteer with them, helping to host events, researching projects or as gallery stewards.

When: Flexible
Where: The Foundling Museum (Near Russell Square Tube Station)

Souper Volunteers

The Soup Kitchen provides over seventy free meals a day for the homeless, elderly, lonely and poor in Central London. Volunteers are needed to help prepare and serve meals.

When: You can either join this as a one off opportunity with Arcadia (Check the Fall Facebook group for details!) or contact the Soup Kitchen directly if you want to make a more regular commitment.
Where: The Soup Kitchen, The American International Church (Near Tottenham Court Road)

Festive Fundraisers

Orchid is a male cancer charity - and they are looking for volunteers who can help to raise money to support the vital work they do saving the lives of men affected by cancer.

You can sign up to take part either on your own or with a few friends to help collect donations at tube stations in the run up to christmas. In return you will get support from Orchid and the opportunity to develop communication and fundraising skills.

When: Friday 25 November, 7am - 10pm
Where: Tottenham Court Road Tube Station

If you do sign up to volunteer this semester, don’t let your hard work go unnoticed. Sign up for the Co-Curriuclar Learning Certificate (CLC) and have your volunteering experience formally recognized on your transcript. To find out more about any of the opportunities listed or to sign up, email Emma Grant.