Summer Volunteering Opportunities

Emma Grant Senior Student Services Officer


May 12, 2016

Get involved in volunteering this summer and discover that you can make a big difference by sparing just a little bit of your time.

We know that there is lots that you want to fit into your time studying abroad and that trying to cram it all in over one summer can be a challenge. Between studying, adjusting to life in London and exploring the UK & Europe we are sure volunteering may not have even crossed your mind. How could you possibly find time to fit that in too?!

Well, we have thought about that for you and done lots of research on your behalf to find some awesome one-off volunteering opportunities in London this summer. This means you can reap all the benefits of volunteering, without having to miss out on everything else you want to do too!

What kind of things can you do?

  • Help host a tea party to celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday for a local older people’s project
  • Volunteer at a neighbourhood foodbank collection day
  • Spend a morning helping to prepare food and serve meals at a soup kitchen

What can you expect to gain from it?

  • Feeling of accomplishment knowing you’ve made a difference
  • A chance to meet the locals and make new friends outside of your programme
  • Impress future employers as your study abroad experience will stand out from the pack
  • It’s good for your physical & mental health
  • Use your experience to complete the Co-curricular Learning certificate (CLC) and get your volunteering formally recognized 

If you decide to get involved with volunteering this summer you will be adding a new dimension to your study abroad experience which we promise will be worthwhile. Don’t just take our word for it though, read about the volunteering experiences from our students last semester.

 For further details on this semesters volunteering opportunities, including information on how to sign up - keep an eye on the events section of the Summer 16 Facebook Group