London hosts the Regional!

Isabella Roche Student Services Coordinator


April 3, 2019

At the end of March, the London Centre hosted students and staff from both Ireland and Scotland, as we came together for our seasonal Regional event! It was great to have the UK offices together, so that their students could get a taste of London and England.

On Friday, after settling in at their hotel, both groups toured around the Churchill War Rooms, which is a stone’s throw away from 10 Downing St. They were able to learn a great deal about the history of the Second World War in London, and Winston Churchill’s historic involvement as Prime Minister. As the War Rooms are so central, the students were well placed to do some additional sight seeing once the tour was over.

On Friday evening, students were treated to one of our Talk of the Town events, where we invite a speaker to discuss a current issue in a local pub, with time for questions after. The Slam Poets leading the event were great, and students enjoyed the chance to socialise with other students and staff.

On Saturday, students and staff faced a long day, as we visited Stonehenge and Bath. In spite of typical British weather, the visit to Stonehenge was informative and it was great to see such a famous bit of history that had been preserved for thousands of years.

In Bath, students were given access to the Roman Baths, and were able to reflect on the significance of Bath’s history. Bath is a beautiful city, and students were able to explore afterwards to make the most of their time there.

On Sunday morning one of our RLAs, Lina, led the students on a trip to Camden Market: one of London’s most famous and dynamic locations,  to benefit from the markets and street food. 

We really enjoyed hosting Ireland and Scotland students, and we look forward to the next regional event hosted by Ireland!

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