Living with the Locals - HOST UK

Sara Sayeg Student Services Officer


October 19, 2018

[Host UK] lets you have a small glimpse into what it's actually like living in the UK. My hosts brought me to places I wouldn't have thought about going to on my own. I'm extremely happy I was able to stay with a host family; it was an amazing experience that I will never forget!

- Katherine Dollman, Arcadia in London, Delaware Valley University

One challenge students often face while studying abroad is finding opportunities to meet the locals. That is why we have teamed up with Host UK, who will provide you with the opportunity to experience authentic British hospitality, at very little cost to you!

Host UK is a charity organization that provides international students with the opportunity to spend a weekend inside a British home.

We always get great feedback from the students who take part, so much in fact that Arcadia will pay your application fee if you decide to sign up and we will reimburse you up to £20 towards your travel! 

Previous students have traveled as far as Northern Ireland while others have opted to stay closer to London, enjoying a weekend of fish ‘n chips by the seaside.

If you would like to experience a homestay this Fall, all you have to do is sign up online by Wednesday 24th October 2018 and make sure you mention Arcadia University as your host institution to have your application fee covered! 

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