How to Get More Out of Study Abroad

Sara Sayeg Student Services Officer


February 9, 2018

You might have heard the acronym, CLC, used during orientation and by your lecturers, but what is it exactly and what is the incentive for completing one?

We'll let Dr Chris McMillan, who oversees the CLC (Co-Curricular Learning Certificate), explain!

Take Your Study Abroad Experience One Step Further

The Brits can be an elusive bunch; you come over to the UK searching for a truly British experience and they are nowhere to be found, particularly in London. Doing a CLC allows you to go actively in search of the lesser spotted Brit through an independent project that goes on your Arcadia transcript.

All you need to do is think of something that interests or inspires you and Arcadia can help you find an avenue to explore it. We have an array of resources, from contacts at Lacrosse and Football (soccer) clubs to churches and food banks.

Join a club or create a theme to explore, like museums, architecture or even tea drinking culture.

Alternatively, you can create your own independent experience. Join a club or create a theme to explore, like museums, architecture or even tea drinking culture. After being immersed in local culture for about 15 hours, you can then be awarded a CLC by reflecting on what you have learned through pictures, video or a written narrative.

One former student submitted a project that reflected on her time with Goldsmith’s University radio station. During this experience, she attended free screenings of TV shows where she was able to recognise local celebrities and talked to audience members from around the world.

We have had students doing urban farming, participating in Good Gym, hiking around the UK and checking on all of London’s markets (there are loads!).

 Want to get more out of your study abroad experience and wish to find out more about the CLC? Contact to discuss your ideas.