Arcadia faculty nominated for prestigious Samuel Johnson Non-fiction Prize

Dr. Peter Leuner Regional Director


September 25, 2015

Dr Laurence SCottGood news for all of us – but especially for our first-year students from Arcadia (FYSAE), Brandeis (mid-years) and Hamilton (Jans) enrolled in EEWL 107 Writing London. Your professor, Dr. Laurence Scott, has just had his recently published, much acclaimed book The Four-Dimensional Human long-listed for the prestigious Samuel Johnson Non-Fiction Prize.

Laurence Scott, one of Arcadia London’s three core faculty, regularly contributes to radio programs on cultural issues and newspaper and literary magazine reviews and commentaries. He also supports Co-Curricular Learning Certificate (CLC) projects (have you decided to do one yet? Imagine being individually encouraged and guided in your own writing by someone like Prof. Scott!)

We send our congratulations to Dr. Scott – and hope his book makes it to the short list. We’ll let you know.