I'll Be Home for Christmas

Becca Dague December 23, 2015

“Please have snow, and mistletoe, and presents under the tree”—Frank Sinatra crooned it best. It’s my favorite Christmas song, and one that’s been especially poignant this year. In eight hours time, I board a plane that takes me back to America, back… More

One word: Ireland

Mary Schrott December 22, 2015

Here it is, my last blog on my semester abroad. While I fill your screens with memories of a life of travel and adventure, I think I should preface the fact that I’m writing from a dirty Chicago terminal on hour five of my six hour layover. With over… More

Dear Ireland, P.S. I Love You.

Jordan Gette December 15, 2015

I have been putting off my final blog post because I am not ready to leave this place. It’s impossible to believe that my 3 ½ months in Ireland are over. While I am excited to return home and to be reunited with friends and family, I have fallen in love… More

Less Than One Week

Brianna Santo December 14, 2015

In the wise words of a man called Ferris Bueller, “life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” This sentiment could not be truer, and I have never felt time move as quickly as it has these past three… More

The Colosseum

Becca Dague December 11, 2015

When I first moved to Rome, the Colosseum seemed so surreal to me—like my seventh grade Dell screensaver had been plucked from its dusty no-man’s-land and enlarged to insane proportions. Nowadays, as a seasoned veteran of both worldly travel and Italian… More

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