One Month In: New Adventures!

Rebecca Sather Jenkins February 11, 2017

I’ve been in Edinburgh now for a month, and for some reason that fact is a little scary! Of course that month has been filled to the brim with adventure and exploring, but knowing that I’m one-third of the way through classes makes me think about all… More

Let the Adventure Begin!

Megan Anger February 10, 2017

T minus 2 days until I leave for Chile and although I have not packed anything yet, I am ready to go! I am ready to be immersed in the Chilean culture and Spanish language and ready to spend the next four months in Valparaíso. My trip will begin with… More

Completing the Checklists

Lida Lech February 9, 2017

As I’m writing this, my hometown in Pennsylvania is 25°F (-3.88°C) and covered in snow. I’m bracing myself against the cold, and it’s hard to believe that in exactly four days (!!) , I’ll be on the beaches of Australia, beginning my semester-long journey… More

Three Days of Sydney: How to be the Ultimate Tourist

Laura Yang February 9, 2017

As of Monday February 6th, 8:30am AEST, (or Sunday February 5th, 4:30pm EST), I officially am in Australia – Sydney to be specific. When I got my luggage and passed through customs without an issue, I found the Arcadia Staff members waiting for us, along… More

Preparing for New Zealand

Kristin Kinchla February 7, 2017

Choosing where to go and what school to attend, unlike many, was not a tough choice for me. Seeing how close the school was to the mountains and the beach instantly made me fall in love with it. New Zealand itself is a place full of amazing opportunities… More

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