Riding the Waves

Lida Lech March 27, 2017

With more than 80 percent of Australians living within 30 miles of the coast, the beach has become an integral part of the Aussies’ laid back lifestyle. Now that I’ve been living here for a little over a month, it’s about time I pick up a knack for some… More

Wonders of the Weeks

Arin Fambro March 27, 2017

These past two weeks have been full of consistent businesses at university. The classes are beginning to get more intense, not completely enjoyable but it has to be done! I have begun working on a few of my semester final essays that require outlines… More

On Being a Person Abroad

Hayley Graffunder March 24, 2017

 or, On Being Type A Abroad Sipping tea in cafes with a stack of books in front of me, meeting my friends out for dinner every other night, and always having a full closet of clean clothes to chose from with literally no effort on my part. This is the… More

Walking to Mordor

Jay Burnett March 24, 2017

For a brief period in autumn 2000, the legendary Peter Jackson and his crew transformed the Tongariro National Park, a brilliantly stunning setting, into the feared and menacing Mordor, the strong hold of the Dark Lord Sauron. The location (like most… More

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