Self Pity

Adam Becker May 5, 2017

Maybe this is not the right place for it, but I can’t put down my travel thoughts until I get this off my chest. I’m not sure if it was the added walking around on concrete or what, but I left Amsterdam crippled. Crippled in the sense that I could no… More

Tremors and Earthquakes and Tsunamis! Oh my!

Megan Anger April 28, 2017

First, I’d like to start by saying that I am safe and everything is fine. There have been a series of earthquakes and tremors since last weekend in Chile, with most epicenters off the coast of Valparaíso. This is the first time I experienced an earthquake… More

The Allure of Quiet Coffee Shops in Foreign Countries

Jay Burnett April 26, 2017

My love affair with coffee didn’t take hold until I headed to college. Crossing state lines (or, in my case, multiple state lines) came with a culture change; growing up in Smalltown, Wisconsin, carrying a Starbucks cup was more of a fashion statement… More

Picking Up Steam

Alex Cherry April 25, 2017

And then, suddenly, things can pick up steam again, changing into new, previously unseen forms that demand constant attention. And though you may know have other things to do, you just can’t help but sit around and watch the new stimuli reveal their beautiful… More

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