Urban Museum

Agustina Balacco Student Life and Service Coordinator


October 19, 2018

To see art in Barcelona, you should not necessarily go to museums, you can find it through the streets of the city and you are lucky if you like urban art!

Here you will find a selection of the most interesting urban works  =)

COMIC MURAL (Daniel Torres, 2011 - Poble Nou District)

AIDS MURAL (Keith Haring, 1989 - Raval District)

BRUUMRUUM! (David Torrents & Maurici Giner, 2013 - Poble Nou District)

TO THE CASTELLERS (Antoni LLena, 2012 - Gothic Quarter)

Steel Tubes. Monument to the Catalan Tradition of the human tower "Castellers"

THE WORLD IS BORN IN EVERY KISS (Joan Fontcuberta, 2014 - Gothic Quarter)

Ceramic Photograph


Joan Salvat Papasseit & Jose Manuel Pinillo "Creations", 2004 - Born Quarter)
