Tabacalera Promoción del Arte - Virtual Tours

Agustina Balacco Student Life and Service Coordinator


April 22, 2020

Tabacalera, the Old Tobacco Factory in Madrid, is a building managed by the Ministry of Culture and Sports since 2003. The construction of this building was developed between 1780 and 1792. Initially it was destined to be a Royal Factory of Spirits and Playing Cards and , after a brief period in operation, it was converted into a Tobacco and Rapé Factory in 1809, being used as a tobacco factory until the end of the 20th century.

Currently, after being projected in 2007 as the National Center for Visual Arts, Tabacalera Promotion of Art is managed by the General Subdirectorate for the Promotion of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Sport, a unit that develops a permanent program of temporary exhibitions and activities around photography, contemporary art and the visual arts.

The center is closed because of the current situation, but they have opened different virtual tours on the official website!!! You can choose between several exhibitions and “walk” around the old factory.

We highly recommend entering the exhibition of Flores. Pedro Almodóvar y Jorge Galindo. This exhibition shows the joint work carried out by two essential artists of the cinema and the painting of Spain. Taking as a starting point some photographs taken by the filmmaker Pedro Almodovar, the painter Jorge Galindo and the filmmaker decided to start working together on a series of large-format works.

Tabacalera - Virtual Tour
