New Center in Granada

Dr. Jaume Gelabert Director, Arcadia in Spain


January 27, 2016

Right in time for the Spring ´16 semester, Arcadia Granada Center has moved to a new location, barely 3 minutes away walking from the old center. It is walking distance from the CLM (Centro de Lenguas Modernas) and it is now located on Granada´s busiest commercial avenue, Gran Vía, in a spacious and modern facility filled with natural light, central heating, ample classroom space, student lounge and staff offices.

The move took the largest part of the month of December and it was ready - except for a few minor details- by the beginning of January. The center has a classroom with a large screen and projector, another area for faculty meetings or class seminars, a faculty room, the staff individual offices, a kitchen/storage room, and two bathrooms. There is also a spacious student lounge with three desktop computers and printer, library, and a large desk for studying. The whole center has great, fast wi-fi connectivity.

We are very excited for this change in location and we are confident you will also enjoy the premises.