L’Ou Com Balla

Agustina Balacco Student Life and Service Coordinator


June 17, 2019

One of the most unique celebrations in Barcelona, ​​has commemorated the day of Corpus since 1637. The tradition is to make an egg dance in the fountains of cloisters, courtyards and gardens which are decorated for the occasion with flowers and cherries.

Catalonia is the only place in the world where the egg is currently dancing, so you can’t miss it!!

This year, the last day of the Corpus Christi fest coincides with the Night of San Juan! This is because Corpus Christi is a mobile party and varies the date of celebration depending when Holy Week comes.

From June 20th to June 23rd, this event will take place the traditional festive with the popular procession of Barcelona and performances of the Moixiganga, ​​the Falcons and the Giants !

Also, this year is complemented with other proposals such as the carpet of flowers at the “Casa de los Entremeses” or the carpet alluding the arrival of the fire of San Juan.

Nowadays you can find many buildings to enjoy the egg dancing on a fountain, among which is the cloister of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, the gardens of the Frederic Marès museum or in the Historical Archive of the City of Barcelona.
