Agustina Balacco Student Life and Service Coordinator


December 4, 2018

The Fira de Santa Llúcia is a Christmas market that is set up every year around Barcelona Cathedral. Although it’s not the only fair or Christmas market in the city, it’s certainly the oldest, so it’s a tradition for locals and tourists spending Christmas in Barcelona.

It has been held in the heart of Ciutat Vella since 1786, which makes this the 232nd year it has taken place. The fair opens on November 30th and finishes on December 23rd, with its usual series of activities for people of all ages.

The fair brings together nearly 300 stalls with traditional Christmas products. They are grouped in four main sectors, nativity scenes and figures, offering nativity scene accessories, caves, figures, candles and Christmas decorations. Greenery and plants, where you will find natural and artificial trees, moss, tió logs, eucalyptus branches and similar things. Crafts, with all kinds of craft products and accessories, such as clothes, jewellery, decorations and gift items, plus lots more. Finally, the music sector, with simbombes, tambourines and other traditional Christmas instruments.

Various parallel activities are being organized, such as the giant tió "pooping log" and the traditional procession by the city’s Carassa de Nadal figure. The 25th meeting for Catalan Christmas traditions and customs is also being held.

If you are in Barcelona for Christmas, we recommend you walk through the stalls twice, once during the day and once at night. By doing this, you’ll be able to enjoy the different atmosphere that the stalls have at different times of the day!
