Final Exams and Program Evaluations

Sílvia Serra Associate Director of Arcadia in Barcelona


April 5, 2016

As the saying goes: time flies! Final exams are here, students are already finishing their courses and thinking about packing...

Unfortunately, our Spring 2016 program is coming to an end. Now it’s time for our students to make the most of their last days in Barcelona, and think about all the cultural knowledge they’ve gained during these months studying abroad.

Since we’re already in the final stages of our program and our students are also doing a great effort to perform their best on their final exams, we’ve given them a little breakfast to get some energy and cheer them up!

Once they’ve completed our program evaluation sheets, they’ve had the chance to enjoy a sweet, delicious breakfast we’ve offered to them. These days, we want to make a few more special memories like this for our students, and thank them for helping us to improve our organization with the answers they provide in the evaluations. If food is fuel, we hope they got some energy back!


Student Life