Farewell Fiesta Fall 2019

Agustina Balacco Student Life and Service Coordinator


December 18, 2019

Time flies toooo quickly!! Goodbye 2019 and goodbye to our fall 2019 students!!!!

We wanted to say goodbye and thank them for these beautiful month in a very special way and so we did!

*First we met at Arcadia for the Photo Contest Award!  The contest consisted in send us a picture of Barcelona and telling why that photo was special among others. Everyone in Arcadia voted and of course…The best picture won an award =)

Afterwards, it was time for something special… our CAGA TIÓ!

The Tió de Nadal (“Christmas Log” in English and popularly known as Caga Tió in Catalan) is a popular Christmas character in the Catalan culture. It is a log with a face, a Barretina (a traditional red sock hat) and usually with legs. The tradition says you must feed the Tió properly, treat it well and keep it warm before Christmas Day or Christmas Eve. That’s when it needs to poop, and if you’ve been treating it well… it poops presents for everyone!

We had some volunteers patting the Caga Tió very nicely to see if he magically pooped some presents and the rest sang the Tió song together. Since we had been feeding and treating it very well throughout the week, all of us got some Christmas presents at Arcadia….DELICIUS TURRONES!!!!!

After that, we celebrated our Farewell Fiesta with a special toasted! 

It’s been very nice meeting all of our fall 2019 students and having them in Barcelona!!!

 We hope to see you again soon!
