Embedded Course Excursions to Girona

Sílvia Serra Associate Director of Arcadia in Barcelona


March 2, 2017

Last week the students of Cross Cultural Management & Human Development in a Cross Cultural Context, visited Girona. The goal of this trip was to know how different cultures lived together and left it legacy in city. Thought the architecture of Girona we observed the footprint of Romans, Greeks, Jewish and Muslim habitants. 

 We complemented the visit learning how still different cultures coexist in the small town of Salt, the town with perhaps the highest concentration of immigrants in Spain. We visited a program from the Families and Youth of the Fundació Sergi to learn about interventions being done to facilitate social inclusion of the more marginalized populations, We were even able to meet one of the program's success stories, a young woman from Honduras who briefly shared how the program helped her find her wings. 

 Fundació Sergi

The exploration of the long multicultural history of the city of Girona along with the concentrated focus of the current multicultural situation in Salt made for a very provocative combination, contributing to our understanding of historical and contemporary cross cultural dynamics here in Catalonia. 
